Plastic Packaging: Unveiling its Hidden Health Hazards and Environmental Impacts Without Being Scary

It’s hard to write articles about plastic packaging and its effects upon us all without feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. I promise not to be a Debbie Downer 😊
But talking about the true impacts of plastic waste helps us understand the power of our changes and why they really are worth it!
Plastic packaging isn’t just a threat to our environment; it’s also a looming danger to human health. The synthetic chemicals used in plastic production seep into our food and drinks, posing grave health risks. Moreover, the proliferation of microplastics in our surroundings raises concerns about respiratory, reproductive, and metabolic health issues.
As we grapple with the consequences of plastic packaging, it’s crucial to recognize the dire implications it has for both our well-being and the planet. Reducing plastic usage not only curtails chemical exposure but also alleviates the microplastics crisis, thus averting potential health catastrophes in the future.
Convenience Has Its Price
The allure of plastic lies in its convenience and affordability, but the toll it exacts on our health and the environment is immeasurable. With a third of global plastic production earmarked for packaging alone, envisioning a world where sustainable alternatives replace plastic becomes imperative.
Enter compostable packaging—a beacon of hope in our quest for sustainable solutions. Compostable materials not only combat plastic waste but also enrich soil nutrients upon decomposition, offering a holistic approach to environmental conservation.
For businesses like mine, committed to sustainability, adopting compostable packaging isn’t just a trend—it’s a testament to my truly being a tree hugger aka steward to the environment. By making the switch, Tangie not only gets to truly tout plastic-free as a marketing tool, but the best part is how out compostable packaging expands to safeguard your health.
Embracing sustainable packaging isn’t merely an act of corporate responsibility; it’s a proactive measure to safeguard both our planet and our health. My company’s actions effect myself and the ones I love. Years ago, I knew the time to act was now, and the choices I would make then would shape my world tomorrow.
Exploring the True Costs of Plastic Packaging
The ramifications of plastic packaging extend far beyond environmental degradation—they pose a grave threat to ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. The sheer volume of plastic waste inundating our oceans and landfills paints a grim picture of our unsustainable consumption habits.
With an estimated 11 million metric tons of plastic entering our oceans annually, the scale of the crisis is staggering. Despite the illusion of recyclability perpetuated by recycling symbols, a mere 9% of plastic packaging gets recycled, exacerbating our global plastic predicament.
Plastic’s ubiquity stems from its low production costs, durability, and versatility. I get that! From a manufacture’s perspective, the consume wants affordable options and reducing the manufacturing costs is paramount to the supply chain.
However, these very attributes underpin its catastrophic environmental impact. The disposable mentality supported by cheap production costs has led to a culture of waste, while plastic’s durability ensures its persistence in ecosystems for centuries. Ughhh – CENTURIES… probably forever! But I promised NOT to be a Debbie Downer :)
When Tangie Stepped Away
When I started the actual Tangie business in 2012, all the products I made by hand were liquid and filled into plastic bottles. When the bottle waste became too much, I decided a huge change was needed if I would continue this business.
This article highlights many of these are the reasons I opted to eliminate plastic bottles from Tangie natural laundry detergent, natural solid shampoo bars, round conditioner bars and even formulate the best pet shampoo bar! [shameless plug]
Honestly, around the time of committing to become a plastic-free company, we didn’t have the type of access to the details we do today, from the scientific journals to the latest environmental documentaries. My actions back then are even further supported by what I know today. It took several years, and lots of money, to reformulate Tangie liquid products into a solid form to eliminate the need for plastic bottles and plastic packaging – but has been worth it!
I want to THANK YOU for choosing to use Tangie natural household cleaning and body products to reduce your exposure to chemicals and help further reduce the number of plastic bottles which end up in landfills and the ocean.
Gratefully, Angie Ringler