Our press room

Here you will find product information, images, press releases and all facts about Tangie.


Contact us for press inquiries

Angie Ringler

Chief Greenovator

About Tangie

Empowering consumers to make the switch to away from toxic chemicals and towards all-natural, zero-waste, eco-friendly choices for everyday use products. Reducing single-use plastic und educating on best sustainability practices for a positive impact.

Tangie is a small, but mighty company leading the disruption of big box brand greenwashing.

Tangie in the media

We are proud to be mentioned by others and what they have to say about our team, company culture, and Tangie low waste, natural products.


18 Gifts That’ll Make Your Mom (and Mother Nature) Smile


Ep80: Reducing plastic waste with Angie Ringler


Waste-Free Products Need Packaging, Too


Five Easy Household Swaps to Help Reduce Waste

Tangie press releases

The latest on what’s happening with Tangie the brand!


We are working to make our database of research available to you. Looking for something specific to share with your community? Email us your request so we can get you that information.


Our products

Explore product and ingredient research.


About us

Explore the Tangie story of motivation & inspiration.

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Additional media

Valuable downloads, eco tips, and interesting content.

You want us in your podcast, magazine or elsewhere? We’d love to hear from you!

Life takes a village! Lets spread the good news about Tangie and others in our village.

Ready to give plastic a boot? Shop now!

Free shipping on orders over $58
Compostable packaging
2,000+ reviews of happy customers
Vegan, bio safe, plastic free products