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Why should we use sustainable laundry detergent?



Bzzzzzzzzz. Diiinnggg. Bing Bing. [insert high pitch screeching sound] … or any of the random sounds an electric dryer makes when the cycle is done. Like nails to a caulk board to some – like the sound of the ice cream truck to others. No matter how you respond to the sound, it is the indicator of yet another load of laundry.

Lucky you if you get to line dry your clothes. No one ever complains about the notification sound the sun makes.


One load after the other, they seem to never end.

How many loads is that this week? Too many I bet.

The physical action of doing laundry isn’t really the issue here. The lingering issue with laundry time is the part that goes on for generations. Yes, generations. Pretty sure the term, Generational Laundry, isn’t really a thing, so today, I am officially making it a thing.

To clarify, generational laundry is what’s left after you wash your clothes.


Commercial laundry detergents are made mostly from chemicals, like phosphates, which can contaminate water sources, a leading cause of algae blooms that suck the oxygen right out of the water, killing fish and aquatic plants.

Some laundry brands do not even have their ingredients listed on the label.

On others, the words seem foreign and can seem overwhelming. The ingredients causing harm to the water can also wreak havoc on your skin.


The household cleaning industry is not regulated so a company can put whatever they want on the label.  This is why databases, like Environmental Working Group, are so valuable to consumers. EWG.org website gives insight into the safety (or toxicity) of ingredients, helping consumers in determining what to use and what to avoid.


Our skin absorbs ingredients from what we put on it and wear over it. Clothes, sheets, towels, all washed and put on our skin. When we sweat, the pores open up, taking in more toxins. Harsh ingredients can contribute to asthma attacks, hormonal disruptions and multiple types of allergies.

Right now, you might be thinking to yourself, but I love my clothes to smell like fields of summer flowers, or island breeze, and liking scent is not a bad thing.

However, the added chemical mixture in the term ‘fragrance’ can be misunderstood, so just make yourself aware of your exposure to it.


Choosing natural ingredients does not mean you must skip out on scent. Try this healthy dryer sheet alternative.


Use a cloth/wool dryer ball or small damp hand towel in the dryer. Add a few drops of essential oil to the ball or towel, toss it in the dryer with your clothes/sheets/towels.

No dryer? Fill a misting spray bottle with water, your favorite essential oil, a few drops of alcohol, and you have a beautiful sheet spray to transform your bedding into a day at the spa.

Stains – well, they happen. To treat stains efficiently, the laundry room [or desk drawer] must be prepared. Having a handy stain remover doesn’t mean keeping a wash bucket and bleach on the ready.


It is much easier than that. Looking back at the generations who came before you, the use of bar soaps met their needs for lots of household chores, not just treating laundry stains. We can get back to the use of simpler ingredients for equally effective outcomes.

What does all this have to do with the generational laundry issue?

All these parts of doing laundry are associated with excessive energy usage and plastic waste. A huge issue for the next generations.


The laundry container.

The dryer sheets.

The stain remover.

The electric dryer.

Think of the laundry jug you recently purchased at the store. Not only was it heavy to lug around from the store to your car and then inside to the laundry room; but it also was made from an extremely durable, thick plastic that is made to last!  Yet we treat this jug like a single-use plastic item.


A great question to ask is why choose a non-toxic laundry product if it leaves behind a toxic heap of plastic waste. There is no such thing as zero waste anything, but there are many laundry options that produce low-to-no waste when the product is finished.


Changing a habit as strong as how we get laundry done is not a simple task. Most laundry routines are as unique as the fingerprint of who taught you how to do laundry. So, finding a way to make your laundry time more sustainable maybe not be an overnight success, but it is one well worth changing.


Imagine of you could take a natural soap bar, about the size of a deck of playing cards, drop it into some water, and let it dissolve making your own laundry soap. You could then refill the big laundry jug infinitely. The cost, less than $0.20 per load. That is something you might try, wouldn’t you?


There are plenty of bar stain removers too. Bar stain removers have a cost advantage over bottle removers. Bars can be cut. Small pieces of the stain remover bar can be tucked in your purse, backpack or desk drawer so you are always ready to pretreat the stain when it happens, not hoping to remember to treat it when you get home.

Sometime the web is just too big and a bit overwhelming. So much greenwashing going on, it can hard to know who to trust.

Noun: disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image.


Try these three tips to narrow down your search:

  1. Stick with companies who are transparent about ingredients.
  2. Companies who have third-party certifications.
  3. Ones that give a crap about the planet not just about profits.

To make it easy, check out these options for a more sustainable laundry routine HERE.  Available are several plastic-free alternatives to household cleaning, even body products when you are ready to green up your shower routine too.

We hope you enjoyed this article.


Angie Ringler

Written by Angie Ringler. Hi! I am the founder of Tangieco. I am a dedicated advocate for sustainable living and eco-conscious choices. A self proclaimed tree hugger.

I write to inspire and empower you to embrace a greener lifestyle. Through articles, innovative products, and a commitment to showing you ways to eliminate harmful chemicals from the products around you.

How to make your own foaming hand soap.

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